Take Back Your Life: Sight for Sore Eyes

We're kicking the new year off strong by talking about ways to be intentional in our walk of faith. We are actively taking back our life from the distractions and lies of this world and actively seeking the relationship and adventure to which God invites us.

In this second message from the "Take Back Your Life" series titled "Sight for Sore Eyes" I explore the things upon which we focus our eyes and our hearts that pull us away from God's will. This message was originally preached on Sunday, January 14, 2024.

The Hills Church meets every Sunday morning at 10AM in South Park, a county park south of Pittsburgh, PA. We like to consider ourselves "a fresh expression of God's love for Pittsburgh." For more information about our congregation and ministry visit https://hillspgh.com


MLK Jr Day - Leadership


Take Back Your Life: Our Wake Up Call